Tulle 560
Metallic tulle available in gold & silver, mainly used for Christmas accessories and decorations production
Tulle Boemia
This tulle is suitable for making sleeves, inserts and skirts. Elasticity and softness are its distinctive features.
Trapunta Lame’
Laminated quilt with rhombus design in 3.5×3.5 centimetres. Suitable for clothing and decoration
Tessuto Vitaly Extra
100% acrylic short-haired fur coat. Thanks to its numerous animalier patterns it can be used for carnival settings, themed parties or decorations.
Tessuto Tania
Inelastic and very resistant fabric with very showy and catchy colours, which repeat continuously with stripes in warp direction. Uses: scenography, costumes, upholstery and cushions.
Tessuto Sughero Cork
Tessuto leggero ed impermeabile in sughero con base in cotone che si presta a molteplici usi: sia nell’abbigliamento come decorazione, per la realizzazione di cappellini, borse, inserti, sia nel settore delle bomboniere, del packaging e del Carnevale.
Showing 37–42 of 104 items